Article title:
The purpose and scope of the article should be clearly defined and should not exceed ten words.
The abstract for every article should be written in English and must be between 150-250 words. In this section, the author(s) should briefly describe the purpose of the study, the research methods, the design used, how the data was collected, and the process of analysis, as well as provide a summary of the results obtained.
For the article to be easily found in indexes and databases, 3 to 5 relevant keywords should be written immediately after the abstract in English. After the keywords, a space should be left, and at least 3 JEL codes should be included.
The main purpose of this section is to provide the reader with a general introduction to the topic of the study. In the introduction, the authors should explain the problem being addressed and the rationale behind the research.
Conceptual Framework / Theory:
This section provides information about previous research conducted in the field, including what studies have been carried out and the results obtained. In this section, readers have the opportunity to compare studies on the same topic conducted by different researchers in terms of research methods, findings, and conclusions.
This section introduces the research method used in the study. The author(s) are expected to describe the methodological steps they followed in their research, step by step. This section is crucial for determining the appropriateness of the method used for the topic and for comparing it with other studies conducted in the same field.
Findings and discussion:
This section presents the analysis of the data from the main research. The data obtained in the study should be presented in an organized manner in this section. If necessary, the information can also be presented in tables.
In the conclusion section, where the findings of the article are summarized and generalizations are made, a brief reiteration of the problem addressed should be included. The results obtained should be compared with those from different studies. The limitations of the study, its scientific contributions, and suggestions for other researchers in this field should also be discussed.
References should be written in APA format as provided in the examples below.
Shaw, G. Williams, A.M. (2004). Tourism and Tourism Spaces. London: SAGE Publications.
Book Chapter:
Coşar, B. (2020) Green Logistics Applications and Ambidextrous Logistics Organizations. Ankara: Gazi Publishing.
Article by One Author:
Coşar, B. (2021). A Contemporary Perspective on Organizational Ecology Theory: The Role of State-Owned Enterprises in Global Markets. Erciyes University Faculty of Economics and Administrative Sciences Journal, (58), 85-106.
Article by Two Authors:
Çelik, H., & Coşar, B. (2022). The Mediating Role of Perceived Organizational Support in the Impact of Passion for Work on Sustainable Competitive Advantage. Dogus University Journal, 23(2), 199-212.
Articles with More Than Two Authors
Coşar, B., Yilmaz, H., & Altindağ, E. (2019). The Role of State‐Owned Enterprises in an Artificial Monopoly Market: The Case of Turkey. American Journal of Economics and Sociology, 78(5), 1171-1199.
Dissertation / Thesis
Coşar, B. (2018). The Effect of Organizational Symbolism on Organizational Commitment and Firm Performance in Family Businesses: A Scale Development Study, PhD Thesis, Beykent University, Istanbul.
Conference Proceedings / Conference Papers:
Coşar, B. (2020). Developing the Digital and Agile Organizational Culture Scale. In 5. International EMI Entrepreneurship and Social Sciences Congress.
Resmi Gazete:https://www.resmigazete.gov.tr/arsiv/17506.pdf [ Access Date: 29.08.2021]
Citation: (resmigazete.gov.tr)
**In-text citations should be in the format (Author's Last Name, Year of Publication). For example (Coşar, 2020).